Hauer Music stocks a selection of new and used pianos from the industries leading manufacturers.

We have a nice selection of Grand Pianos, uprights and more- stop by and hear how good they sound! We also have a great selection of digital pianos and keyboards. Need help selecting a piano? Click the link below:

Featured: Yamaha CVP-805 Clavinova Digital Piano on Inventory Clearance Sale



A Grand Piano fits into any home’s decor.


Whether you are looking for an Upright Piano, Grand Piano, Baby Grand, Digital Piano or Keyboard, Hauer Music should be your first stop on your Musical Journey!

Need Your Piano Tuned? Go to our exclusive tuner’s website! apexpianotuning.com

Here is a video of Kareem Powell – Chopin Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52 at Hauer Music